GOAL 4Fostering leadership exchanges and empowering young people and women among ASEAN Member states and Japan for mutual prosperity

Young people in ASEAN and Japan are highly exposed to the issues impacting both their countries and the world and have become increasingly concerned with finding solutions for these social, political, and environmental issues to make a long-lasting change. The ASEAN region has made considerable progress across multiple areas of sustainable development in the past decade, yet inequalities remain. Goal 4 aims to empower young people and women in ASEAN and Japan to unlock their leadership potential by collectively and individually developing tangible solutions to community, domestic, regional, and global challenges.
- Program 4.1: Enhancing dialogues and leadership opportunities among young people and women in ASEAN and Japan
- Program 4.2: Raising awareness on the importance of ASEAN-Japan relations among young people in ASEAN and Japan
- Program 4.3: ASEAN-Japan Cooperation on Marine Plastic Waste