Project title: The Eco-Warrior’s Guide: Conquering Plastic Pollution
Meet the Team
Ma’had Islam Brunei
Supervised by Haji Muhammad Zuwaini bin Haji Aliyan

Head of Project

Operational manager

Finance Manager

Communications Manager
About the Team
We are the Eco Warrior Guide group, based in Mahad Islam Brunei from Brunei Darussalam. We are composed of four dedicated members: Hafezah, the head of the project, Nurafiqah, the finance manager, Nurul Afiqah as the operational manager and Auni as the communication manager. We are all working together to promote environmental awareness and sustainability. The importance of our project lies in creating awareness within the community about the detrimental effects of plastic pollution on our planet, including ecosystems, wildlife, and human health and our team works to stop the problem of too much plastic littering our environment, especially the ocean. We use smart ideas and teamwork to clean up and prevent more plastic pollution. Our team is dedicated to combating the issue of plastic pollution in order to make the world a cleaner, healthier environment. We all work together to create a world in which plastic does not endanger the environment. Finally, remember BE THE SOLUTION AND NOT THE POLLUTION.
Social Media
Instagram: @ecowarriorguide_bn