Activity Reports

AJYELN Laos Fellows Nurtures Poster-Making Skills of Secondary Students in Pathana School

Key takeaways 

Promoting creativity and environmental awareness

The poster contest served as a creative and engaging way to sustain the interest of the student community on the environmental impacts of plastic pollution project.

Nurturing artistic expression among the youth

The poster contest aimed to bring out the artistic skills and creativity among secondary students while conveying the importance of environmental conservation.

Encouraging community engagement

The contest encouraged active participation among secondary students and raised awareness about the environmental project.  

After the success of the drawing contest among primary students, AJYELN Laos Fellows organized a poster-making contest among secondary students in Pathana School. The contest is the fourth activity in a series of environmental campaigns done by the fellows. It served as an engaging way to promote the team’s environmental project to fellow students. The contest featured 12 groups from 6 different classes, all eager to express their creativity and contribute to promoting the team’s environmental project. Three winners were selected and received  prizes. 

Figure 1. AJYELN Laos Fellow’s invation poster for students to join.

The primary objective of the poster contest was to encourage students to creatively and effectively promote the team’s environmental project among their peers. It provided an opportunity for artistic expression while advocating for an important cause. Each group was tasked with creating a poster that effectively conveyed the goals and message of the team’s environmental project.

Figure 2. Two of the winning posters by Sounita Soukavanh (above) and Souphathai Sinnavong (below). 
Figure 3. The participants with the winning posters.  

The Poster Contest showcased the power of artistic expression in promoting environmental awareness and engagement among students. The contest effectively conveyed the goals and message of the team’s environmental project and inspired creativity and enthusiasm among participants. By recognizing the top three poster designs, the event celebrated the efforts and talents of the students while driving home the message of environmental stewardship. The contest left a lasting impact on the school community, promoting a

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