The ASEAN-Japan Centre (AJC) played a pivotal role in supporting the Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) Office in Tokyo to promote investment relations between Indonesia and Japan by establishing an investment promotion booth at MESSE NAGOYA 2023 held from 8 – 10 November 2023. Alongside the booth setup, AJC was instrumental in creating crucial business linkages aiming at discussing and promoting investment opportunities in Indonesia.

Explore business collaborations with local affiliates in Chubu area
With AJC`s facilitation and arrangement of business meetings, meaningful and in-depth networking opportunities for both sides were created. Many industrial sectors in Chubu and Nagoya area showed their interests into investing or expanding their businesses into Indonesia. Notably, a significant meeting was arranged between a financial affiliate in Chubu area and BKPM Tokyo Office. This meeting provided an opportunity to explore financial investment prospects in Indonesia. Another key meeting was facilitated between a newly established economic zone in Indonesia and BKPM Tokyo Office. The focus was on discussing potential business ventures and investments in various sectors within Indonesia.
Promotion of Indonesia’s investment schemes in Chubu area
Promotion of Indonesia’s investment schemes in Chubu area: MESSE NAGOYA 2023 targets the domestic market, especially those based in the Chubu area of Japan. A booth in this expo served as a strategic platform to showcase Indonesia’s investment opportunities to Japanese businesses based outside of Tokyo.
ASEAN-Japan Centre will continue on working with BKPM Tokyo Office to follow up with the discussion at the Messe Nagoya 2023.
Dates: 8th (Wed.)-10th (Fri.) November 2023
Organizers: Aichi Prefectural Government, City of Nagoya, Nagoya Chamber of Commerce & Industry
Visitors: 52,876 (3 days)